General Rules
Posting Rules
You may not post the following:
You can add a signature from the User Control Panel.
We have 2 user groups for regular members. One is the default Registered Users group. This group has limited privileges to help prevent spam and abuse of posting privileges. This group can:
Once you have 15 posts on Admin Addict you will automatically be promoted to the Registered Members groups. The additional privileges for this group include:
First Revison: September, 2013 at 03:23PM CST
- All posts must be written in English.
- Use the search function to see if a solution to your problem has already been posted.
- Don't spam/abuse any other member via e-mail or Private Messages.
- Post threads only in the correct Section.
- Use normal fonts & font sizes
- Keep the message on topic
- When quoting from a book or site, please provide info on the source (and a link if it is a website)
- Enter at least your real continent as location in your profile
- Posting in the forum using more than one account is not tolerated
- Using anonymous proxies to access the forum is not tolerated
Posting Rules
You may not post the following:
- Links to adult content or gambling sites.
- No inappropriate language or images.
- Links to Torrent Files
- Links to Warez
- Links to Illegal Content
- Spam of any kind, including referral links.
- Posting cracks or serials
- Racist statements
- Flaming
- Illegal content
You can add a signature from the User Control Panel.
- Should be compatible with other guidelines.
- 3 lines of text with one link is allowed.
- No Spamming allowed.
- No HTML allowed.
- Use normal fonts & Font sizes.
- Limit to 400 characters.
- Moderators have the right to edit your signature without any prior notice.
- If a staff member lock's a topic, it is for a good reason. Don't start posting the topic again. If you don't agree with it, PM the staff member who has locked the topic.
- Staff members have the right to change Members posts. This can happen for various reasons, like posting spam or flaming. If a staff member does this, usually he/she will post the reason why he/she changed the post.
- Staff member have the right to ban you from the forum for breaching our forum rules.
- Staff member have the right to delete a topic without further notice. This can be done for 2 reasons.
1. The topic was full of spam
2. The topic had a great amount of posts that where against the Forum Rules. - Have respect for the decision of staff. If you feel a staff member is treating you unfairly, PM the Admin of the site to discus the problem.
We have 2 user groups for regular members. One is the default Registered Users group. This group has limited privileges to help prevent spam and abuse of posting privileges. This group can:
- Post threads and reply to other threads.
- View all threads and posts in all forums with the exception of the private staff forums.
- Upload and use an avatar and profile picture.
- Can not use the private message system to communicate with other members.
- Can not have a signature and can not post links in any non-forum specific area.
Once you have 15 posts on Admin Addict you will automatically be promoted to the Registered Members groups. The additional privileges for this group include:
- Access to the PM system where you can communicate with other members in private.
- Links in signatures are allowed, but, are still governed by the limits listed in the signature guidelines above.
- The abilty to post links in thread, post articles and update your user profile.
First Revison: September, 2013 at 03:23PM CST